Sunday, November 15, 2015

Selling Mental Stability
By: Caleb Lothian

The brain is a powerful thing. It is the center of understanding, thought, decision but also the hub of depression, fear, nervousness, and loneliness. Marketing can have a positive and negative affect on one’s psychological stability. Marketing managers play with both your physical and psychological needs. They make you believe, psychologically, that you need something to either suit a physical need or desire. To attack the mind of consumers is the main focus when marketing.

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is the perfect break down of psychological marketing. Our culture is driven by these five levels.
If you truly think about it, marketing, is a combination of both art and science. It’s an art and gift to be able to manipulate the human brain into thinking they need something when in reality they just want it. Marketing will surely never die, it is the main source of communication between the producers and consumers; but, it also is a main source that yields depression and a lack of psychological stability within consumers.
Guy Winch, a psychologist, performed an amazing Ted Talk called “How to practice emotional hygiene.” While watching and listening to what he had to say, I couldn’t help but make connections to what we have learned thus far in Marketing class. He started off by explaining that we as individuals show massive amounts of favoritism. The worst of all being physical over psychological health and well-being.  He is not saying that we should completely ignore our physical status or health, rather, finding a happy medium between your mind and your body. Mr. Winch used a great example to explain this further. He went over to one of his friends’ houses for dinner. After dinner he witnessed his friend’s five year old son slip and cut his knee while falling off of a stool he was standing on when brushing his teeth. The little boy immediately stood back on the stool and reached for a band-aide. The point of this story was that we all know how to care for a physical injury, or how to perform dental hygiene. It becomes common knowledge at a young age. Guy Winch then asks, “But, what do we know about maintaining our psychological health........Nothing.” We are taught how and encouraged to care for our physical needs, so why not the same for our psychological needs?   

This is similar to what we see on the television, in magazines, billboards, etc. We are always and constantly encouraged to provide for our physical well-being and desires, it is learned at a young age. An example would be when companies use pro athletes and/or models to make their product more appealing. This may be more appealing to the consumers but it can also simultaneously have a reverse reaction and negatively affect your mental state. For example, after purchasing a product that you see a model using/wearing, you realize that it doesn’t look as good on you; therefore, causing negative thoughts such as “I can never be that good, I can never look that good, etc.” Failure then sets in, which leads to psychological pain. These thoughts damage your psychological security and soon add up due to our lack of treating and caring for our psychological health. The amazing part is that we continue to strive and be like someone that we will never be because of the power of marketing.

The share a coke campaign is an example of marketing schemes that could go in either direction. It can be argued that this campaign is targeting individuals love and belonging needs as listed in Maslow’s chart. This image and the commercials associated with this campaign promote friendship. You not only have a friend in coke but you have a product that can create a friendship or connection with other consumers. On the other hand any commercial dealing with sharing, love, and friendship can further damage the mental state of an individual who was already currently struggling with depression and loneliness. This sense of loneliness creates a sensitive psychological wound. Guy Winch says it best, “it makes us believe that others around us care far less than they actually do. It makes us timid, why set yourself up for rejection?” Everyone’s needs, either physical or psychological, can’t be met and marketing will forever target our cognitive and subjective needs and desires. These are unavoidable because the point of marketing is to stimulate thought and motivate human behavior.

To see Guy Winch’s Ted Talk click on the link below:

The Evolution of ARMOR
By: Caleb Lothian

Protection and Preparation are two main concerns when entering battle. What better way for an athlete to attain these two components than through a 16 ounce bottle of Body Armor, a premium sports drink packed with Electrolytes + Vitamins + Coconut Water + Natural Flavors, Colors & Sweeteners.

Competition is something in life that cannot be avoided. In order to keep pace with societies fast pace, companies must make bold yet vital decisions in order to properly position their products. Success follows proper placement of one’s company, brand, or trade name within the minds of the consumers in comparison to competitor’s products throughout the market. Where would you want your product to stand in the minds of the consumers?

Body Armor is doing their best to encourage consumers to transition from competitor’s products to their new and improved sports drink. One could argue that Body Armor is carrying out cannibalism. There is conceivably 2 well known sports drinks out there that dominate the sports drink Market. Therefore, an oligopoly has been created by Gatorade and PowerAde causing an increase in customer value. This involves the addition of new products, Body Armor, into the market. The question is then raised whether or not this new product is stealing from the customer base of pre-existing companies and their products. Personally, I think Body Armor is a rising threat to the market share of powerhouses such as Gatorade and PowerAde. I myself have transitioned to Body Armor. Why? This is due to the marketing actions of Body Armor. They endorse the nutritional value and components of the drink through the use of branding and professional advocacy.
Take a look for yourself, watch Body Armor’s commercial, and tell me you wouldn’t make the change!

Evolution is their focus throughout the entirety of this commercial. Evolution promotes progression and innovation. This commercial is divided into two separate parts; a comparison between the past and the present. In the past there was a lack of protection, preparation, diversity, and nutrition. Many examples of this can be found within the beginning of this commercial, but, I wanted to point out a clever scene that Body Armor snuck in. As I previously mentioned, Gatorade is one of Body Armor’s biggest competitors/threats. So, why not take a little friendly jab at your competition? At the 8 second mark in the commercial we see Rob Gronkowski (current Patriots TE), act as what I understood to be a Florida Gators football player accepting a drink from what also seemed to be a reproduction of the creator of Gatorade found in Gatorade commercials.

                                                                                        Body Armor Commercial                                                                                                    
 Gatorade at Florida University

This is one of the most effective pieces to this commercial. The narrator of the Body Armor says, “We only drank what they gave us” during the scene with Rob Gronkowski and the Dr. of Gatorade look alike. This suggests that Gatorade made it big because it was one of a kind during that time and it’s now time to leave the past behind and convert to a drink of our time……. BODY ARMOR!
 The transition in the commercial shifts to our modern day look at sports when a new and intense narrator says, “That was then, and this is now!” There was not only a change in the music and narrator but also the ambiance and impression that was felt when watching the commercial. Today is more intense, upgrades have been made and evolution within sport has taken place. The overlying question that Body Armor now presents the consumers with is, “isn’t it time for an upgrade in sports drinks?” Times have changed and today, “we demand better and are obsessed with what we put in our bodies.” Body Armor focuses on providing consumers with what they desire, a natural and healthy supplement for the unhealthy choices in our market today.

Body Armor wants to revolutionize the sports drink. Sports and athletes have evolved so their energy source (sports drink) should too. This creative and well-designed bottle is attractive and stands out among its competitors. Not only is the bottle enticing but it holds a savory and flavorful energy packed drink that comes in 6 different flavors to appeal to a broader market.